
Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's Time for General Conference!!!

 I love General Conference!!!

Twice a year, we Mormons, get together and listen to our beloved leaders teach us about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and how we can live our lives in a closer alignment with His. Well it's time for our second one in the year 2013.

Fall is a beautiful time for me and as General Conference approaches next weekend, I grow even more excited to hear the Word. It's time for a spiritual feast like no other. We, as adults, love this time but our families may not be as excited about sitting through several two hour sessions all weekend. Now is the time to prepare your family to enjoy and learn from these wonderful words of wisdom.

Here are some wonderful ideas to help with young children and teens have better experiences with General Conference.

Conference Squares

General Conference Bingo

General Conference Journal

General Conference Games

General Conference Activity Bags

General Authority Ties

General Conference crosswords

These are only a few ideas that can provide some good fun while your children learn. Maybe for family home evening you could discuss some fun things your family might like to do. You can plan breakfast menus and snack ideas, too, that might help your family find more joy in this time of spiritual training. There are so many different things that can be done so you can walk away with uplifting lessons from General Conference to change your heart for good.

For Adults;

I remember once, when my kids were young, that we went to visit some friends and we watched conference with them. It was so awesome to sit after a session was over and discuss the lessons we learned as adults. I was spiritually lifted through these conversations with other adults. This might be helpful to young single adults to help them gain more out of conference, too.

I hope what ever you decide to do that it will be uplifting and fulfilling in your life, and the lives of your families. I love General Conference and I hope you do, too!!!

Feel free to add other ideas to the list to share with other families that might be struggling with this time. Happy General Conference Weekend to all!!!


  1. I love these conference ideas. I have to find ways to keep my little ones quiet and focused!

  2. Glad I can help. I remember how hard it was and sometimes still is to keep everyone focused on the messages from conference. Thanks for the comments,
