
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hello My Righteous Sisters,

Happy Easter!!! This is such an important day for mankind. I wonder how many people really know that? Today signifies new life, life everlasting, and it was all for us. Do people know what Jesus has done for us? Do we really understand the concept of the Atonement of Jesus Christ for us?

These are things we should be contemplating on a daily basis, not just Easter or Christmas. We should be thinking about how we can become more like Him so that His sacrifice will not be wasted. I look at his examples and see many things we could be doing, but today I would like to talk about showing compassion for those who suffering.

I am currently sitting in the hospital with my youngest daughter who is an unmarried young adult. She has a few health issues, but we came in a little over two weeks ago and are still here with some new issues. We have seen many people come and go, some as roommates with my daughter or some in rooms across the hall from us.

Unfortunately, some have not had anyone to come visit them (unlike my daughter who can't get rid of me). I was saddened by this because I could feel their loneliness. Jesus gave of his time to talk to and heal the sick and lonely. Most of us can't heal but we can certainly share our time with those who are sick and lonely.

For those patients in the hospital who had family visiting and caring for them, it was easy to see the love that was being poured out on their loved ones. But could they give of themselves like that for a stranger? I asked that of myself as well. I have never been in love with the medical field and chose to go a different path than most of my extended family who did choose jobs in the medical field. But having to be here with my daughter and help her through this journey has opened my eyes to things I never thought I would see.

It has also opened my heart to those who are alone in the hospital all day. I wonder if I can put aside my lack of desire to be around anything medical, to visit and share time with those who are sick and lonely, and stuck in the hospital?

Easter Message

I know this is something I can do to become more like Jesus. If being in the hospital environment is too much for me I know there are others that would love for someone to come visit them in their homes. At church, we could ask our clergy who in our congregation, could use a visitor. That could be a good place to start. Or, perhaps we have some neighbors or family that need a visit. There are so many places we could start. We just have to ask for direction and listen to the Spirit for that direction so we know who needs our unique gifts and friendship.

God gave each of talents and gifts for the purpose of sharing with one another to help each other along the path of life and back to our Father in Heaven. Becoming like Jesus requires effort on our part. So I would ask that you look at your life and responsibilities and see what time you have to give to another. Perhaps you don't have time to visit people, another place you could help someone is when you are in a waiting room for an appointment. The Spirit may prompt you to smile and share some kind words to a person sitting next to you. There are always opportunities to help uplift another, mostly by just listening to someone who is lonely.

I pray you will seek those who need to feel loved and know that they are not alone. You never know, but you just might be the answer to someone's prayer.

All my love

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