First, I would like to say that my God is an awesome God. I know he loves us and watches over us. Here is one reason why I can share this testimony; My 19 year old daughter was getting ready to go to a wonderful school in Daytona Beach that would help her learn to be independent in her life without sight.
They required a physical before she could go. The doctors office drew blood and sent it to the lab. Early the next morning we were called to take her to the hospital as soon as possible. They told us that she had only about 10% use of her kidneys. We were in shock. She had no signs of being that ill.

The more I learned about this situation the more I realized that if we had not had that physical we could have lost her. I started to see that God's hand was in this. I realized that she was not meant to die, that God must have a plan for her. She will need a kidney transplant but she can survive just fine on dialysis until we can make that happen.
Some of you may not see God's hand in this but I do. I know that He has protected her against this illness and not let it take her life. She won't be able to go to Daytona at this time but she will after she gets her new kidney. She is young and has a wonderful life ahead of her.
Mercy River has a song called "It might be Hope" on their "Higher" CD. I have thought a lot about the words and how it reflects in my life; and I believe that we do have hope for a wonderful future for her. We may have to alter some plans but that is OK, because we have faith that we will be directed to a better plan for her life.
Higher by Mercy River
Another song on this CD is called "Better than a Hallelujah", which talks about our cries to God when we are suffering through life's trials. Its not the words that he loves but that fact that we turn to Him in those troubling times. We are showing our love and trust in Him when we pray for that peace in our lives. This song has also helped me have a better understanding of this trial. Thank you ladies for sharing your talents and reaching our hearts in your music. Please keep sharing the music.
I love my Heavenly Father for always being there for me, and for helping my daughter and my other children to learn about and trust in Him in their lives. He is there for all of us even though it seems at times we are alone. He never leaves us we just have to open our hearts to Him.
Well its time to go to dialysis so I just want to say thanks for your patience in my return. May God bless you all with your life trials.