Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to All

I haven't posted a blog since November but today just seemed like a good day to create a new post.

My house is quiet except for the sweet sound of Christmas songs. Everyone is off in their own little corners enjoying the gifts they received this morning. We had a simple Christmas breakfast and shared messages to loved ones not in our home. I will be starting the Christmas feast soon but now I wanted to share this time with you and enjoy the peace of this day.

We can all know the peace of Christ in our lives if we will let Him into our lives. We live in a world ravaged by war and hate, there is no peace in that. But we can have peace if we learn that Jesus has control and that good wins no matter what. When Jesus came to this earth good began to win. When He left this earth we all won because He gave His life so that we can win and return to our Heavenly Home. He is the only way to that glorious home.

Jesus Christ gave us the perfect path to follow, and when we choose to do this, the best we can, we will receive eternal life in Heaven through His Grace. How can anyone love us more? They can't.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas in whatever you do today. I pray that you will have the Spirit of Christmas in your heart all year long and may you come to know the peace of Christ in your life.

My love to you all!!!

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