Monday, August 6, 2012

Walking with Righteous Men

I watched a wonderful movie last night called "Courageous". It's a story about the importance of dads in the life of their children.  If only all men thought that way. If you haven't seen it please watch, it will not be a waste of your time. I grew up basically without a dad figure and I have problems with knowing how to choose a good man in my life. My bio dad split up with my mom when I was 4 years old. Her second husband adopted me as his own but their marriage only lasted 4 years. Then she married my step-father and he was around for 25 years then passed away. But I was 18 when they married so life without father was my motto. I have made a lot of mistakes when it comes to men, I believe this is so because I did not have a dad in my life.

I read a newspaper article about male influence in the life of young elephants. I kept this because I felt it was so true to our young men today. The elephants in this reserve consisted of females and young children. There were no adult bull elephants. Several of the young male elephants were equivalent to teenagers. The caretakers of the reserve found dead rhinos and after placing cameras throughout the reserve they found that the young teenage males were killing the rhinos. Once they placed bull elephants in the family all the killing stopped because the males influence corrected the behavior of the male teenagers. I cried when I read this because I knew it was true. I knew how important it is for dads to be in the life of their children.

What makes a righteous man? The answer to that is to have a strong righteous woman at his side. Her influence can do wonderful things for him. She need to encourage and praise him as he puts God first in his life. She needs to help him rationalize good choices and fulfill his commitment to God. If a man can put God first then his wife and family will be a close second. If a man can put God first he will be a dependable, loving man that will be there for his wife and kids. He will be a responsible person and will teach his children to be the same. It's his wife that will be the key to his choosing to put God first or not. Do you see the importance of our role in the life of our men?

God designed men and women to complement each other. We each have roles to play in family. We need each other in order to raise righteous children. They need us in order to find their way back home to Heavenly Father. I love my brothers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love their example and willingness to help those who have no father in their lives. Our influence as righteous women can reach more than just our families by helping the men in our lives give of themselves by walking the path of our Savior. What a wonderful plan our Father has created for us. He is the ultimate example of Fatherhood. May he bless the lives of those who follow Him.


  1. I love that movie! My husband and I watched it once and then my husband went right out and bought it. We watch it every few months! It's important to give 100% to our children, we try to every where else why not to them too?


  2. True, our children are outside of our home more than they are in. The influence they are confronted with can lead them into unrighteous paths. The influence they receive from home needs to be stronger than the influence outside. It takes a mom and a dad to do that. If that is not available to them then prayers and learning at home needs to be stronger. Thats a lot of pressure on the parent who raises them alone. Thanks for you comments.


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