Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's a Small, Small World

Yesterday, I went to the temple in Orlando, Florida. I like to go once a month, usually the Saturday before Fast Sunday. I also like to go early in the morning so that I can get back home about the time my kids are getting up so I don't miss much time with them.

I went yesterday, early, and was in an endowment session and noticed a brother who looked familiar to me. I thought for a moment on who I thought he was but it wasn't until I saw the face of his beautiful wife that I knew it was friends that I have lost touch with over the years.

In the late 1980's we became friends but it was only for a short time because they moved. We lost touch and wondered from time to time how they were doing. In fact, it was just a few months ago that they crossed my mind as I came across some old photos of them. Anyway, I approached my friend, Ruth, and reintroduced myself to her. There was so much joy, and hugging and tears. I was so glad to see her again and to hear about her family. She commented that it is good to know that we are both still strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a great experience.

I pondered about that experience on my way home and thought that this must be what it will be like when we die and meet those family and friends on the other side of the vale. There will be so much joy and hugging and tears in being reunited with them again. I will never forget how I felt being so exciting to see them again.

Well, the story doesn't end here, today I found out that one of my favorite families has moved to another ward. I text the wife, Sarah, who I used to serve with in the Relief Society in our ward. She surprised me with the news about who her new Relief Society President was, it was my friend Ruth! It must be a small small world.

Ruth had bore her testimony today and mentioned that she ran into me at the temple yesterday and Sarah spoke to her sharing that they had a common friendship with me. I am so glad they are in the same ward together to look after one another. I hope they will be able to establish good friendships with each other like I have with them.

It truly amazes me sometime how things work out. My friend Ruth said yesterday that our meeting was not by chance that there must be some kind of purpose for running into one another again. I agreed, perhaps it has something to do with my friend Sarah, who knows. All I know is it's a small world after all.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience! As I read your story, I too thought of the reunions we will have in Heaven. All things happen for a reason!


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