Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Showing our Love for our Savior Jesus Christ

John  14:15

"If ye alove me, bkeep my ccommandments."

Simple words that make a whole lot of sense. I just read an article in the September Ensign that is called "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. Wow, now that was a good article. He helped me to have a better understanding of the Atonement and my role in it. I have provided the link to that article. 

His Grace is Sufficient

This is my understanding; Jesus paid the price for our sins in Gethsemane so that we could all return back to the presents of our Heavenly Father to be judged for our choices in life here on the earth. So the price has been paid for all of our sins. 

Does that mean we don't have to be good any more, NO, it doesn't. It means that we still have to avoid sin but if we fall short then the price has been paid for us. We still have to repent or answer for those sins. So in turn, Jesus now has the control of what we should be doing with our lives and what happens after we die.

He has given us a plan on how to live our lives so we can know true happiness. That plan included being obedient to commandments. If we keep His commandments then we are showing our obedience to Him and that we love Him. So the scripture of the day says that if we love Him we show Him by doing what He has asked of us. Those things are things that will make us know happiness. How simple is that? How good is that? I think  it's a great deal.

Those commandments aren't that hard either. The two greatest commandments are to love the Lord our God and put Him first in our lives, then to love the rest of the people in the world. Some days it may not be easy to love our brother but this is a challenge for all of us. We have to find ways to overcome the weakness and learn to love, if we can do that, we can do anything the Lord asks us to do.

Righteous women must be the example to all the world on how to love everyone. By doing this we are pleasing the person who paid the ultimate price through His love of all people. We are becoming like Him as He wanted us to do. His example is perfect and so we should show our love and keep His commandments.

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