Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Beauty of Womanhood

Hello Beautiful Women!

Thank you for viewing my blog. This is my first real attempt to blog ( I hear it's the "in" thing now) so I thought I should give it a try. I mean, I don't want to be labeled as "not cool" (is that the correct lingo today?). So many others are connecting through blogging, to me, it was the only logical thing to do to get connected to wonderful women like you. Wow, that was almost poetic.

I thought a lot about what I could say that would be meaningful to my viewers. Many ideas popped into my head but the one that meant the most to me was what this blog is all about; the beauty of womanhood and standing up as righteous women in a troubled world that needs us.

Women are wonderful creatures. We have been given many talents that come natural to us; things like compassion and nurturing. We develop skills to strengthen who we are. We give of our selves daily to our families, work, church, and community. Sometimes we give so much of ourselves that we don't make time to do anything for ourselves. In fact, I feel guilty if I do take time for me. That is why I hope this blog will help me become a better me.

 It totally frustrates me to see how women are portrayed today. It seems that Hollywood has created a view of women that forces us to try to live up to standards of what has been labeled as beautiful. Really? Women who are near anorexic, or, are airbrushed to look flawless;.is that really beauty? I always hate when a magazine lists the 100 most beautiful people and they are always famous people. I know many beautiful women who I would rather spend time with than those in the magazine. What do you think creates a beautiful woman?

Though the years the picture of women has changed dramatically. There is so much crime against women today. Programs on TV and movies portray women as sleazy and easy. I have to wonder why women try to conform to this. Men have it easy today approaching women because young women think the things they view in the media are how they are supposed to act.Young Women!!! Listen up! This is not correct behavior. You will find so much more happiness if you hold to your virtue. Don't be ashamed of waiting until you are married to have sex. You will feel more beautiful and special if you wait.

But I am here to tell you that we don't have to allow this negative picture of women to be who we are. We, as righteous women, need to stand for who we really want to be viewed as. But I think we need to take a moment to think about that; who are you? How do you want others to view you? We can discover and change this view by interacting and discussing issues that affect women on this blog, as well as things we can do to strengthen one another. Women have been blessed with many wonderful traits and if we can share those with one another we can give each other hope for a future of beautiful women doing wonderful things.

Well, that's it for this week. I can't wait to hear from you and see how you feel about women today. Tell us how you think we can create a better future for women.


  1. You are so right. Hollywood has defined women to a point that is unattainable. We should not feel embarrassed to be good. I am going to love reading your posts and comments from your viewers on what REAL women are. Thanks for starting a blog about strengthening each other.

  2. You are welcome! Thanks for your confidence in this blog. What do you feel makes a beautiful woman? Can you share an example of someone you know?

  3. I want to insert here my thoughts on what a beautiful woman is... a beautiful woman glows - she is confident, kind, virtuous, and charitable. She is wise and positive. Her weight, clothing, or body type do not factor in to the equation (although the media would have you believe that that is all there is to a beautiful woman). I am so glad to stumble upon this blog today. I needed it :-)

  4. Thank you so much for your comments. You are sound like an awesome woman who understands true beauty. I think it's up to people like us to make sure women see how beautiful they can be by living righteously. Thanks again for sharing.


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