Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dehydration of foods


Storing food can be a problem due to storage space. Today, I would like to talk about something we can do that takes little space and that is...dehydrated foods. It's not really that hard to do and doesn't really take a lot of time to prepare the foods to do this.

Some things you can dehydrate are vegetables, fruits, herbs, and meats. Here is a link that shows how to dehydrate several different things.

How to dehydrate foods

You can use a dehydrator or you can use the oven or even the sun, if you like natural and are very patient. I think the best option is to buy an inexpensive one for around $40. To me the oven takes to long and uses a lot of electricity and drying naturally outside there is the issue with bugs, especially in Florida.

Dehydrators costs anywhere between between $40 to $300 depending on the kind you like. There are lots of links for how to make dehydrators but they looked pretty costly to me. However, in the long run, if you use it, it is probably worth the time and headache to build it.

There is always the option of buying the foods already dehydrated.   That's a good option if you don't have a lot of time. But don't do any of this unless you plan to use it. Once you dehydrate then you have to know how to rehydrate it so you can eat it.

Rehydrating foods is not too hard either. Here is a link that is helpful in using the products in food;

Rehydrating foods

Maybe next week I can find some recipes using dehydrated food. Good luck!!!

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