Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lack of Responsibility Today


I don't know about you but I have noticed a lot of disrespect and lack of responsibility in many people today. Let me give you a for instance of something that happened to me this past week.

I was on my way home from work and was sitting at a light where there was about 3-4 cars in front of me. A car behind me wanted to get in the turn lane because there was only one car waiting to turn left at the time. I was sitting at the spot where the turn lane formed so this car went around me but he was a little too close and his side mirror hit my side mirror knocking it backwards, thank goodness someone was smart enough to create a flexible mirror or he would have broken it. But the point is he didn't stop to see if he did any damage to my car, he just kept going in the turn lane. I found myself fuming a little because he wasn't getting out to see if everything was ok, or anything. Where was the responsibility in this? Was this considered hit and run?

So when the light changed his lane didn't move which gave me an opportunity to say something. So I rolled down my window and he did the same, he had a huge smile on his face. I told him, "I just want to let you know that my mirror is fine, but it would have been nice if you had stopped to say I'm so sorry, is everything ok?" Of course he had an excuse for everything and I had several cars behind me honking their horn (rude), but I felt better letting him know how I felt about his lack of responsibility.

There was no excuse for him not stopping and making sure all was well. But it made me think about how people seem to be more and more irresponsible today with the day to day events; when did this change? I remember as a kid being taught responsibility when  I did damage to any one's belongings. My parents were very strict with teaching us manners and responsibility of ones self. I knew as I became a parent that it was something I would teach my children.

Just a few years ago my youngest son and his friend was playing with a paint ball gun in his friends back yard, which was next door to our house. It went off by accident and hit the metal shed in the yard next to his house. They went running, and my son came home. After a few minutes of hiding he came to me and told me what had happened. So we discussed it and went to the old mans house and told him what had happened. We asked how my son could fix the damage but the old man was kind enough to let it pass, however, he did reprimand my son but also praised him for being honest.

I went to the father of my sons friend and explained what we did thinking he might do the same since it was actually his neighbor, but no, he did nothing about it; I was amazed. How does he teach his children to become responsible? I guess he doesn't.

I just can't stand it when people do this. We, as righteous women need to teach our young to be responsible for their actions. This helps to mold them into good citizens and kind people. It helps them to be ready to answer to the Lord for all they have done in this life.

 Can you imagine the excuses on Judgement Day? I might like to be around to hear some of those, how do you hide the truth from God? You don't, you take responsibility and make it right, " for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."


  1. I completely understand! Many people have not learned at all to take responsibility for their actions. It's unbelievable.

    Last week I was at the doctor's office for my little one's pre-op physical. I also had my 2 year old in tow. Another mom brought her 2 sons in, close to the age of mine. She informed me that her son was here because he had the flu. (Don't get me started on the dr not having a well visit side and a sick side.) Now she didn't tell me this right away... no, she allowed our sons to play together for almost 20 minutes all the while she was trying talk to me and being friendly with me, complimenting me so that she could sell me Mary Kay. Once I found out, I wanted to strangle her!

    She could have walked in and kept her son with her and sat on the opposite side of the waiting room. She could have informed the parents in the waiting room rather than let her son play with the kids and toys in the waiting room. She could have signed in and then waited outside with her son.

    But no she allowed him to infect every kid in their. My 2 year old did catch the flu. Now I just have to keep my baby from getting it so that he can still have his surgery.

    Sorry for my rant, but it's really becoming an issue with me.

    1. Good grief, that is irresponsible. What if it was something more serious than the flu, even though the flue is bad enough. I'll keep your babies in my prayers.

  2. *there

    PS Glad you and your car are ok.


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