Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let's Get Started

Looks like I had a few more views so maybe it's working, I think I will keep these posts going after all, lol.

This week is the challenge week, my goal...to challenge you to start buying your food storage suggesting certain items. You don't have to buy what I suggest it's only to help you get started or get you thinking about other things you want to store.

If you have been watching all the struggles going on around the world, and even in our country, I'm sure you are starting to get a little nervous about what is coming our way. We have a bad economy that looks like it could get worse, natural disasters, stronger outbreaks of virus's and illnesses, etc.

Well, the scriptures tells us if we are prepared, we don't need to fear. So that is one reason why I felt like I could be helpful to those who want to be prepared, by creating this weekly post on food storage and preparedness. I do hope you can benefit from it.

I would like to challenge you to work on 3 different areas, if you can. If you can't, just work on what you can. If I suggest a 3 month supply but you can only do 1 month or even 1 week, then do that. The point is just get started and get what you can. Anything is better than nothing or depending on someone else for help.

Sometimes I get great ideas and charge into things without a plan, then I get frustrated when things don't work out. If you are like me, then a step by step plan can be very helpful. So let's take this one week at a time and see what happens.

This month, the 3 items I would like to challenge you to work on are:

1) Honey - 1 supply (basic staple)
2) Toothpaste - 6 month supply (basic non-staple)
3) Pork n Beans or Baked Beans - 1 case (tasty food)

tips for honey storage:

Did you know there are different kinds of honey?


Cost of honey varies per dealer and variety, I get mine from the flea market. I spent $22 on 6 lbs of Wildflower Honey. That will probably be a 2-4  month supply depending on how much you use. I learned a couple of things about honey; it is 64 calories per tablespoon but when a recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar you will use 1/2 cup of honey. So you can plan how much will last you according to what you would use as a family, test it. I also learned that Wildflower honey is good for allergies. If you get annual allergies, like I do, a teaspoon can help build up resistance to what's in the air. Not use if that's true but I'm willing to try the natural over the man made, test it out.

Toothpaste is inexpensive, and we want to be sure we are still being clean and healthy during trying times, so we have to think about these things, too. Watch for sales or buy 1 get 1's then store up on as many as you can afford depending on how much your family uses a month. For my family, we use a medium tube a month and the price is around the $2 area, so to get a 6 month supply will only be $12. For me that is easy to do depending on whatever else I need to get.

Pork n Beans is something that can be stored that has flavor so I thought that might be a good direction but from what I can see it only has a 2-3 year shelf life. My thought is the tasty stuff will have shorter shelf lives, sad huh? You can shop around for those, watch for sales, and look online for food storage company options.I checked out the prices at Walmart. I found a large can of their brand beans for $1.48, comes in a case of 12 cans so I would spend around $18 for a case.

So for around $50 I have started my food storage with several items. I think that will be my budget for the month, $50. But you do what you can so can feel prepared.

I think that's it for this week, let me know how it works for you or some suggestions of good deals and tips that can be helpful to all of us. Next week will be some recipes using honey and other food storage basic items.

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