Monday, October 21, 2013

With my Whole Soul

2 Nephi 25:29
"And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and aworship him with all your bmight, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out."

One day, not too long ago, I realized that I had been sleeping my way through life, with everything I did. I went to work, everything was routine. I would joke that I could do my job with my eyes closed and I could. There wasn't a lot of thought put into it, just do the same old job again and again.

Even in school, I just went in, learn what I needed to then passed the test and moved on. No more thought about what I learned and I was an A-B student. It amazes me now when I look back and see that I was asleep. I wasn't using my brain and intellect to make a better me. As far as my religious life went I was obedient as far as not doing the wrong things but I wasn't doing all the right things either.

One day, I realized that it was time to wake up and make a conscious effort in my life. I knew I needed to make changes in my life now before I looked back and saw that I had wasted it not doing anything worth while. I am starting to see changes in my life now that are for good. But I have to make myself do these things.

When it comes to religion, I find that I am really studying the scriptures now and pondering the things I learn. When I worship my Lord I am doing it with all my might, mind and strength. I am doing it with my whole soul. In order to do that I have to make a conscious effort, and not sleep my way through things. It's not always easy and at times I fall back into that old habit of doing what was required but not getting anything out of it. 

But now I can see the difference and I want to know God better and do what He wants me to. I want to be the best me I can be. I can only do that if I am worshiping Him with ALL my MIGHT, MIND, and STRENGTH, with MY WHOLE SOUL.  If I can do it, so can you.

As righteous women we need to stand up against the things that are destroying us and our families. We have to make a conscious effort to understand things and make change for the good of all, in God's ways. When we do this we will be worshiping Him as we should, with our whole souls doing our part in building His kingdom here.

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